Friday, December 17, 2010

Text Self Portrait

  • Text Self Portrait: we were supposed to make our face out of symbols or letters that are on the keyboard.
  • This was for Digital Design I.
  • The design process was mostly trying to figure out what letters and symbols to use. My inspiration was my face. It was put together with letters and symbols. I used Photoshop to make this. It is finished.
  • The only problem I had was trying to figure what to use.
  • My assessment is that I think that it didn't turnout to bad.

Famous for 15 Minutes

  • Famous for 15 Minutes: we had to be like Andy Warhol and make some art like he did.
  • This was for Digital Design I.
  • The design process was easy. We had to take a picture, cut it out, then pick a really cool layer style.
  • I didn't have any problems. The main one was trying to pick a layer style.
  • My assessment is that this assignment turned out really cool. (:

Parody Sign

  • Parody sign: we had to make a parody sign of a regular street sign.
  • This was designed for Digital Design I.
  • The design process was easy. All I did was transform some of the people to make it look like one is falling and one is pushing the falling person. I used Photoshop. This project is finished.
  • I didn't have any problems.
  • My assessment is that it doesn't look to bad for it being my first project for Digital Design.

Drawing Class Poster

  • Drawing Class Poster: we had to make a poster for either drawing or figure drawing class.
  • This was made for Digital Design I.
  • My inspiration was to use something that looked like it was drawn so that it would go with the theme. I used Photoshop to make this. And it is finished.
  • I mainly had a problem with trying to find a brush style to "paint" with.
  • My assessment is that the text is kind of hard to read and that I should have used a different brush style to "paint" with.


  • Cyborg: we had to make it look like our body had robotic parts.
  • This was for Digital Design I.
  • I didn't have any inspiration, I just went with it. I used Photoshop to finish this project.
  • My biggest problem was trying to get my fire eyes to look normal.
  • My assessmnet would be that I should have worked on the eyes to make them look real life-like.